专访:建筑作为一种呈现的媒介Yumei has gathered the domestic senior brand planning and design team.
我们喜新厌旧的心理,让众多老建筑遭到遗弃。798 地区的松下显像管厂已不再有过去近30 年的辉煌,遍体鳞伤,满目疮痍,虽然破旧,不美,但却透出工业建筑的粗犷,质朴与真实。这些特征恰和当代艺术的的态度不谋而合。 快…The rapid urbanization brings us not only material civilization heritage, but also a huge amount of wastes. The propensity of love the new and loathe the old causes many old buildings being abandoned. The Panasonic factory at 798 area is devastated and ruined, but its rough, plain and real ind…
地 · 景中的建筑 | UED百名建筑师展
质朴与真实。这些特征恰和当代艺术的的态度不谋而合。民生现代美术馆的想法正是在这种基础上诞生,它尊重工业建筑朴素,真实的特质,顺势而为,无用之用,直指当代艺术空间的未来,挑战传统美术馆的冠冕堂皇。 快速的…The rapid urbanization brings us not only material civilization heritage, but also a huge amount of wastes. The propensity of love the new and loathe the old causes many old buildings being abandoned. The Panasonic factory at 798 area is devastated and ruined, but its rough, plain and real ind…
快速的城市化,不仅为我们创造了物质文明的遗产,也为我们身后制造了大量的废弃物。我们喜新厌旧的心理,让众多老建筑遭到遗弃。798 地区的松下显像管厂已不再有过去近30 年的辉煌,遍体鳞伤,满目疮痍,虽然破旧,不美,但却透出工……